Friday, June 10, 2011

I Did Some Trife Shit But Lil Blood Will Never Turn Rat

"Snitch Food" by Lil Blood and Lil Rue came out two years ago. Since I know fuck-all about the Bay Area rap scene, it took me this long to hear this jawn and, cot damn, it fuckin' bangs. You can hear it here.

You know a song is hot when it forces me to make a fictional single cover (pictured above) for it. 


Flyer (2011)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Four Squares (After Anne Appleby)

Digital (2011)

The image above is a tribute that I made to one of my favorite artists, Anne Appleby. I first saw her work in 11th grade after my art teacher led our class on a discussion of Color Field painting. If I had to sum up why I like this artist/style of art so much, it's because I admire the "less is more" approach to art-making. Using only color, basic geometric shapes, and lines, Anne Appleby creates aesthetically-pleasing work that also manages to convey a sense of mood. 

Plus, it's easy to create yr own knockoffs. Lol

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Digital (2011)


Mixed Media (2011)

Wanna know how to piss me off? Complain about yr money problems to me; when you earn almost three times as much as I do. I realize that we currently live in economically wretched times, but if I'm forced to tighten the fuck out of my belt, everyone else should be willing to try it from time-to-time. If you can't, then don't complain to me about yr damn money problems.

It felt really good getting that off my chest. Blogging is the new therapy.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

When I'm In The City, I Always Keep A Dutch With Me...

'Cept now I'm fucking with Phils. Why? Because the friendly mom-and-pop corner store I buy my wraps at is now a fucking 7-11. And mini-Dutches went from .97 a piece to $1.29. Fortunately, the liquor store next door carries Phillies (but no Dutch Masters? WTF?) for .99. And doesn't charge tax. I know who I'm fucking with when I need to get my piff right.

In other news, I put a band together with a couple friends. Things should be cool, if only we could get together for band practice! Fuck school and work for getting in the way of musical innovation!